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About This Site: Curriculum

The Teaching Center contains the Pediatrics in Practice Health Promotion Curriculum which addresses six core concepts — partnership, communication, health promotion/illness prevention, time management, education, and advocacy — intended to facilitate effective patient interaction and care.

Developed as self-standing modules in a comprehensive health promotion curriculum, these six concepts provide the tools for successful interactions among child health professionals, patients, families, and the community. By learning how to integrate the above Bright Futures-based concepts into daily clinical visits, practicing clinicians can deliver time-efficient health promotion. The underlying tenet of the curriculum is that the core concepts can effectively guide one’s practice to enhance patient care. Strategies taught in the curriculum such as asking open-ended questions, employing listening skills and using educational techniques, among others, help practitioners to better meet the health promotion needs of patients and families.

This curriculum provides support to child health educators who are experiencing for the first time or updating their skills in teaching health promotion content. As part of this Health Promotion curriculum, there are six key teaching strategies — brainstorming, buzz group, case discussion, mini-presentation, reflective exercise, and role play — aimed at effectively conveying health promotion content to learners.

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The Pediatrics in Practice Health Promotion Curriculum is composed of (1) a Health Promotion Video and Introductory Module (2) six modules centered upon the core concepts (3) a Facilitator’s Guide and (4) six “Quick References” pages.

1. Health Promotion Video and Introductory Module
This 15-minute video provides an overview of the core concepts by identifying and providing examples of physicians who effectively integrate the Bright Futures approach into clinical practice. The video is to be used in conjunction with the Health module that introduces the Bright Futures health promotion concepts and allows the learners to engage in a discussion about their own definitions of health.

2. Health Promotion Curriculum Modules
The core concepts (partnership, communication, health promotion/illness prevention, time management, education, and advocacy) provide information to improve the skills, knowledge, and attitudes among child health professionals that will facilitate meaningful relationships in daily clinical practice.

3. Facilitator's Guide
The Guide provides general and specific strategies for administering the teaching and learning formats used in the curriculum: brainstorming, buzz groups, case discussion, mini-presentation, reflective exercise, and role-play.

4. Quick Reference pages
Each of the six core concepts is presented in a summary format to help all professionals bring Bright Futures alive and make it happen for children and families.


The Pediatrics in Practice Health Promotion Curriculum consists of seven modules with two or three teaching sessions each. The first session of each module is the Foundation Session — the minimum that should be completed to gain competency in that portion of the curriculum. The additional sessions can be used for topic enrichment and are referred to as the Enrichment Sessions. Each session can stand alone or be presented in series. The teaching and application of the curriculum is appropriate in a variety of settings, including classroom and clinic.

The interactive components of this website focus on the Foundation Sessions and the Facilitator’s Guide. The Facilitator’s Guide, instructions for using both the Foundation and Enrichment Sessions, and all handouts can also be downloaded at no charge from the PDF Library. All materials are also available for purchase.

We recommend that the core curriculum be presented in the following order:

1. Health: Appreciate a new understanding of the meaning of health by considering broad definitions that go beyond the absence of disease or infirmity.

2. Partnership: Develop a meaningful relationship that recognizes the critical role and contribution of each partner (child, family, health professional, and community) in promoting health and preventing illness.

3. Communication: Foster family-centered communication and develop active listening skills to enhance interactions among providers, children, and families.

4. Health Promotion: Encourage openness, raise awareness, and develop skills to promote recognition of issues important to patients and families.

5. Time Management: Apply time management skills to effectively incorporate health promotion into clinical practice.

6. Education: Recognize teachable moments during health visits for children and their families.

7. Advocacy: Build health professional involvement in advocacy at the individual, local, or national level by recognizing health issues important to patients and their families.

Although this curriculum was originally designed for pediatric residents, it is relevant to all maternal and child health professionals. We encourage you to utilize, adapt, or extrapolate the information presented for your own unique educational and clinical purposes.


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