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Health Promotion Modules:
Bethell C, Reuland, C, Halfon, N, and Schor E. Measuring the Quality of Preventive and Developmental Services for Young Children: National Estimates and Patterns of Performance. Pediatrics. 2004 Jun;113(6 Suppl):1973-83.
Fact Sheet on Bright Futures at Georgetown University. Accessed June 14, 2006.
Family Pediatrics. Report of the Task Force on the Family. American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics Vol. 111 No. 6 June 2003, pp. 1541-1571.
Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Opening Doorways To Health Care For Children: 10 Steps to Ensure Eligible but Uninsured Children Get Health Insurance. April 2006. Accessed June 14, 2006.
Lewis et al. The Role of the Pediatrician in the Oral Health of Children: A National Survey. Pediatricis. 2000 106:84.
National Academies. Health Insurance is a Family Matter
RAND Health. “Voltage Drops” in Children’s Health Care: Barriers That Impede Children’s Access to Quality Health Care. Fact Sheet. November 2004. Accessed: June 14, 2006.
National SAFE KIDS Campaign (NSKC). Bicycle Injury Fact Sheet. Washington (DC): NSKC, 2004.
Policy Statement. Family-Centered Care and the Pediatrician’s Role Committee on Hospital Care. Pediatrics Vol. 112 No. 3 September 2003, pp. 691-696.
The Surgeon General's Call To Action To Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity. 02NLM: WD-210-S9593. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Government Printing Office, 2001.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Child Health USA 2003. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2003. Accessed June 12, 2006.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The National Survey of Children's Health 2003. Rockville, Maryland: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2005. Accessed: June 12, 2006.
Yu, S.M., et al. Factors that Influence Receipt of Recommended Preventive Pediatric Health and Dental Care. Pediatrics.2002 110: E-73. |
Under development |
Under development |
Health Promotion:
Bandura A. (1977a) Social Learning Theory. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Bell K. Strategies for Promoting Health and Assuring Access to Health Care in Child Care Settings Copyright (1995) by the National Center for Children in Poverty. ISBN 0-926582-14-3.
Breslow L. 1999. From Disease Prevention to Health Promotion. Journal of the American Medical Association 281(11):1030-1033.
Committee on Hospital Care. Family-Centered Care and the Pediatrician’s Role. Pediatrics Vol. 112 No. 3 September 2003, pp. 691-696.
Family Pediatrics. Report of the Task Force on the Family. American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatrics Vol. 111 No. 6 June 2003, pp. 1541-1571
Freimuth, V.S. The chronically uninformed: Closing the knowledge gap in health. In: Ray, E.B., and Donohew, L., eds. Communication and Health: Systems and Applications. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1990.
Gordon J. Beyond Knowledge: Guidelines for Effective Health Promotion Messages. Journal of Extension. December 2002. Volume 40 Number 6. Accessed July 18, 2006.
Green M, Palfrey JS, eds. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents. (2nd eds., rev.). Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health Health Promotion Clearinghouse.
Kendrick D and Royal S. Cycle helmet ownership and use; a cluster randomised controlled trial in primary school children in deprived areas. Arch. Dis. Child., April 1, 2004; 89(4): 330 - 335.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Tobacco Information and Prevention Source. Facts on Youth Smoking, Health, and Performance. Accessed July 18, 2006
Palfrey JS. 1998. Comprehensive Child Health: Is It in the Picture? Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. 152:222-223
Palfrey JS. 1997. Keeping Children and Families in the Center of Our Concern. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine 151:337-340
Pew Health Professions Commission. Recreating Health Professional Practice for a New Century. The Fourth Report of the Pew Health Professions Commission. December 1998. Available at: http://www.futurehealth.ucsf.edu/pdf_files/recreate.pdf. Accessed July 18, 2006
Rhee KE, De Lago CW, Arscott-Mills T, Mehta SD, and Davis RK. Factors Associated With Parental Readiness to Make Changes for Overweight Children. Pediatrics, Jul 2005; 116: e94 - e101.
The Future of Pediatric Education Task Force. The Future of Pediatric Education II: Organizing Pediatric Education to Meet the Needs of Infants, Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults in the 21st Century. Pediatrics Vol. 105 No. 1 Supplement January 2000, pp. 163-212. Accessed July 18, 2006.
Zimmerman et al. A 'Stages of Change' Approach to Helping Patients Change Behavior. American Family Physician. March 2000. |
Time Management
Cormier, R., "Time Management", Canadian Home Economics Journal, 1983, 33, 120-123. Syndi Ecker. The balancing act.
American Academy of Pediatrics. 2002. Well Child/4 Months Visit Documentation Form. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
Bartlett EE. 1999. Always running behind? Try these time-management tips. Medical Economics 76(4):83, 86, 91.
Benjamin JT, Cimino SA, Hafler JP, Bright Futures Health Promotion Work Group, Bernstein HH. 2002. The office visit: A time to promote health— but how? Contemporary Pediatrics 19(2):90–107.
Bonfield A, prod. 2000. Bright Futures: Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents [videotape, part of the Pediatrics in Practice health promotion curriculum]. Sharon, MA: Biomedical Media.
Glascoe FP, Oberkalid F, Dworkin PH, Trimm F. 1998. Brief approaches to educating patients and parents in primary care. Pediatrics 101(6):E10.
Green M, Palfrey JS, eds. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (2nd ed., rev.). Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Green M, Palfrey JS, Clark EM, Anastasi JM, eds. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (2nd ed., rev.)—Pocket Guide. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Maher CA. 1982. Time management training for providers of special services. Exceptional Children 48(6):523–528.
National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents—Encounter Forms for Families (2nd ed.). Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Schroeder RE. 1998. Using time management to achieve balance. Medical Group Management Journal 45(6):20–26, 28. |
Benjamin JT, Cimino SA, Hafler JP, Bright Futures Health Promotion Work Group, Bernstein HH. 2002. The office visit: A time to promote health— but how? Contemporary Pediatrics 19(2):90–107.
Christensen CR, Garvin DA, Sweet A. 1991. Education for Judgment: The Artistry of Discussion Leadership. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
Green M, Palfrey JS, eds. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (2nd ed., rev.). Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Green M, Palfrey JS, Clark EM, Anastasi JM, eds. 2002. Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents (2nd ed., rev.)—Pocket Guide. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health.
Lesky LG, Borkan SC. 1990. Strategies to improve teaching in the ambulatory medicine setting. Archives of Internal Medicine 150:2133–2137.
McBride CM, Emmons KM, Lipkus IM. Understanding the potential of teachable moments: the case of smoking cessation. Health Education Research. Vol. 18, no. 2, 2003. Pages 156-170 CDC, 2002.
Napell SM. 1976. Six common non-facilitating teaching behaviors. Contemporary Education 47(2):79–82. |
Advocacy Institute. Become a Leader for Social Justice.
DeWitt TG. The Application of Social and Adult Learning Theory to Training in Community Pediatrics, Social Justice, and Child Advocacy. PEDIATRICS Vol. 112 No. 3 September 2003, pp. 755-757.
Taylor D and Raman R. Look how far we’ve come as advocates for children-but consider where we still need to go! Contemporary Pediatrics. Sept 2005.
US Department of Health and Human Services, Administration of Children and Families. Accessed July 19, 2006.
Van Dyck PC. A History of Child Health Equity Legislation in the United States From the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Washington, DC PEDIATRICS Vol. 112 No. 3 September 2003, pp. 727-730. |
Cultural Competency
American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement. Care Coordination in the Medical Home: Integrating Health and Related Systems of Care for Children With Special Health Care Needs. PEDIATRICS Vol. 116 No. 5 November 2005, pp. 1238-1244 (doi:10.1542/peds.2005-2070)
Association of University of Centers on Disabilities. LEND Family Discipline Competencies. October 2006.
Brazleton, TB. Touchpoints: The Essential Reference. Reading, MA: Perseus Books. 1992.
Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice. Accessed July 11, 2007
Committee on Pediatric Workforce. Ensuring Culturally Effective Pediatric Care: Implications for Education and Health Policy. Policy Statement. PEDIATRICS Vol. 114 No. 6 December 2004, pp. 1677-1685 (doi:10.1542/peds.2004-2091)
Cross T., Bazron, B., Dennis, K., & Isaacs, M. (1989). Towards a culturally competent system of care, volume I. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Child Development Center, CASSP Technical Assistance Center.
Davis, K. (1997). Exploring the intersection between cultural competency and managed behavioral health care policy: Implications for state and county mental health agencies. Alexandria, VA: National Technical Assistance Center for State Mental Health Planning.
Hern MJ. Vaughn G. Mason D. Weitkamp T. Creating an international nursing practice and education workplace. [Journal Article, Pictorial, Tables/Charts] Journal of Pediatric Nursing: Nursing Care of Children and Families. 2005 Feb; 20(1): 34-44. (26 ref)
Print: Matthews-Fuller Health Sciences Library (MFHSL).
AN: 2005098766 NLM Unique Identifier: 15834357.
Isaacs, M. and Benjamin, M. (1991). Towards a culturally competent system of care, volume II, programs which utilize culturally competent principles. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Child Development Center, CASSP Technical Assistance Center.
King MA, Sims A, Osher D. [n.d.] How is Cultural Competence Integrated in Education? Accessed June 26, 2006.
Masshachusetts Community Gateway. Accessed June 26, 2006.
Olson AC. How to establish family professional partnerships. Presented at: International Family Centered Care Conference; September 5, 2003; Boston, MA.
Thibodeaux AG. Deatrick JA. Cultural influence on family management of children with cancer. [Journal Article, Research, Systematic Review] Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing. 2007 Jul-Aug; 24(4): 227-33. (39 ref)
Print: Matthews-Fuller. Click on "Get Full Text" and search library catalog to determine which years are available.
AN: 2009616624 NLM Unique Identifier: 17588895.
University of Minnesota School of Social Work, Cultural Competence Continuum: Agencies and Professionals. Accessed November 19, 2007 |
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