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Models of Practice


Harlem Hospital Pediatric Resource Center
New York City, NY

Narrator: The spirit of cooperation needed to promote better health and safety in a community is clearly demonstrated by the Harlem Hospital Pediatric Resource Center in New York City.

Danielle Laraque, MD (Pediatrician): I think probably, in whatever setting we’re in, it’s really in terms of attitudes. Every child who walks into my office has the world available to them, and that’s as it should be.

Narrator: Danielle Laraque is a pediatrician at Harlem Hospital Center.

Dr. Laraque: We use every visit as an opportunity to talk about health. So it really is a full relationship and knowledge that they can come here for many different services. And we work extensively with the schools. We have a school health program. We have an injury prevention program that we’ve extended into the community, into the schools.

Narrator: Aissatou Bey-Grecia is Director of the Harlem Hospital Injury Prevention Program.

Aissatou Bey-Grecia: What we do is look at traumatic injury to children in central Harlem. We take a look at the statistics and we try to do something about it.

Dr. Laraque: And one of the things that we did is to look outside the hospital walls to the community. And one of the things that we saw was that our playgrounds were in terrible shape. Now, we’re physicians, so we were not in a position to renovate those playgrounds, but we were in a position to collaborate with others around the city, and that’s what we did. And we’ve refurbished over twenty playgrounds.

Narrator: Research also shows that most traumatic injuries in major cities in the United States are pedestrian related motor vehicle incidents.

Dr. Laraque: So we teamed up with the Department of Transportation and the schools to begin to do anticipatory guidance about injury prevention.

Narrator: Safety City was born.

Ron Whittaker is Director for the Safety City Five-Borough program.

Ron Whittaker: Safety City is a program designed to do traffic safety training. We provide comprehensive traffic safety training for third grade children that will last and prevent injuries throughout their lives. It's hands-on training, both indoors and outdoors - in a simulated street environment outdoors, and in a training room that is created in a traffic safety idea and theme inside.

Narrator: In the three years following Safety City’s inception, motor vehicle related injuries to central Harlem children were cut in half.

Aissatou Bey-Grecia: The community knows what it needs and the support of the hospital can only make those needs enhanced and better for our kids.